Palestine Charity Visit
Last September we visited SHAREK YOUTH FORUM in Ramallah, Palestine (West Bank).

The Sharek Youth Village is designed and built for and by the youth themselves. The other great thing about the place is that they use recycled material in their infrastructure as much as possible.
The Youth Village is built in the hills outside the busy city of Ramallah, offering recreational space and creative outlets to young Palestinians. Most importantly it's a tranquil and peaceful space for them.
The money we've donated so far (£6,000) has been used for landscaping and building the HYPEPEACE OPEN AIR SPORTS GROUND within the Village.

It was an unforgettable visit! SHAREK YOUTH FORUM is all about empowering the youth, giving them a platform and opportunities to express themselves socially and creatively. It's a little utopia, specially in a region plagued by violence and oppression.
Check PART 1 and PART 2 of our 2018 Palestine trip on our Instagram Story Highlights. (Links are no longer supported as our original IG platform have been suspended! - updated Sep 2022)
A big s/o to everyone who linked us up and showed us around!!! You know who you are!